Feed your Yorkie – Chon Mixed Terrier Puppy Right!

As far as I’m concerned, you can’t beat a terrier as a companion. Their sweet little faces and happy movements remind me of puppyhood, no matter how old they are, and everyone knows how cute puppies are! Lately we have seen a huge increase in “designer dogs”, dogs that are a mix of purebred types. Breeders and buyers expect the […]

Great ideas to use your land wisely

There are a few ways you can use your land wisely. One way from scratch is as a home builder; When you have purchased land for this purpose, do some homework. Find out if the people who would buy the houses prefer a development where the houses are large but on a small plot of land; or they would pay […]

Different looks for Portuguese Water Dogs

In recent years, PCD enthusiasts have been able to create many versatile looks for their Portuguese Water Dogs. Sometimes it is even difficult to imagine that it is essentially the same dog. In the show ring, not a few observers have mistaken a Portie for a poodle! When it comes to coat type, there are two acceptable types. Wavy hair […]

What to do when your Shih Tzu’s hair is falling out

It can be very distressing when you realize that your beautiful Shih Tzu’s hair is falling out faster than it should. Shih Tzu typically shed very little, which is one of the reasons they are such a great breed to own. But they can also be more prone to food and chemical sensitivities than other dogs. If you notice more […]

Anna Maria Island, Florida: Hollywood of the Gulf Coast

For more than 60 years, Anna Maria Island has been a star. The island’s spectacular white sand and turquoise waters have often been used by Hollywood movie producers to create the ideal beach scenes. Some of Hollywood’s biggest icons have graced AMI’s beaches, yet it’s easy to see that the island is the real star. AMI is a 7.5-mile island […]

Untold Dangers of GM (Genetically Modified) Foods

In virtually all tests performed on laboratory rats fed GM foods, infant mortality and reproductive disturbances occurred. This coincides with rising incidences of low birth weight, infertility, and infant mortality in the United States as GE foods become part of the American diet. Foods are now registered as pesticides It may surprise you to learn that when insects eat GM […]

Your new cat: Why are the first 24 hours so important?

The cage was small, but the people were nice and Tiger felt safe. He was regularly fed, petted and groomed. Still, he wasn’t home. Tiger had been ‘home’ and still had vague memories of the woman who had cared for him and the other cats that lived with her. Then he had been brought to this place, and he had […]

What to wear in the Bahamas

Island living is the very definition of the Bahamas. The people are friendly, the weather is perfect, and you can practically find a party most days of the week. That’s why it was so difficult to leave the beautiful, crystal-clear waters of this Caribbean utopia just a 30-minute flight from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. what to wear Whether you’re a tourist […]

Bulldog Puppies – Do you need a stable dog?

Many inexperienced pet owners find themselves stuck with a puppy that isn’t a good match for their current lifestyle. For example, some owners have small children in the house. And when your pets play rough, they end up hurting children. Then there are the owners who lead very busy lives and have little time to play and exercise. As a […]