The Billionaires “Lock N Load”

When it became public knowledge that billionaire Robert A. Baruger had drawn his last after a long battle with colon cancer, news of his death and a lengthy biography of his life were published in the New York Times and most from other American newspapers. Baruger’s immediate family was quickly informed. They consisted of two cold, greedy, immoral sons and […]

Energy Healing: Angelic Light Weaving

Angelic Light Weaving is an energy smoothing modality that seeks to cleanse, balance and harmonize the subtle energies in and around the physical body and auric energy field. Angelic Light Weaving is practiced with gentle sweeping motions in and around the physical body, opening the Crown Chakra allowing Divine Source Energy to gently flow through your entire Being. It is […]

Breast Cancer Treatment: Coping With a Mastectomy

As women, especially American women, much of our femininity centers around our breasts. Everywhere you look, there are photos, billboards, commercials, TV shows, and movies featuring women with these beautiful breasts and ample cleavage. The thought of losing one or both breasts to breast cancer can be devastating for many of us. Sure, there’s reconstruction, but will it really ever […]

Aspartame: 5 Common Aspartame Side Effects and a Healthy Alternative

Aspartame is a popular food additive to replace sugar as a no-calorie sweetener. It’s mostly found in diet sodas, chewing gum, and anything else advertised as sugar/fat free. It’s highly addictive and tastes great, which is why people have such a hard time giving up products like Diet Coke. It’s called “coca cola” for a reason. The dangers of aspartame […]

How can a woman initiate casual sex?

Whereas guys often wonder, “Where are all the horny women?” Women wonder how a woman can initiate casual sex. Well, it’s time to stop hanging around and asking questions and start looking for your no-strings-attached casual hookups in the right places. You see, there is someone out there looking for the same thing… you just have to know where to […]

What Is a Makeup Artist in Singapore?

Makeup Artist in Singapore A makeup artist is a professional who creates beautiful makeup for others. This profession is highly valued by society and a career in this industry is very appealing. However, there are a number of aspects that a makeup artist must master in order to become successful. For example, a makeup artist needs to have a good […]