Exclusive Sneak Peek: Walt Disney’s Tangled

Walt Disney Animation Studios in Burbank, CA recently hosted a press event for their next film, TANGLED. Having been close to the name “Disney” from such a young age and having had such an influence on my life to this day, it was truly an honor and a once-in-a-lifetime experience to attend a behind-the-scenes look at the new animated film […]

Compare Savings Account | MD Credit Union Savings in Baltimore Bank

Compare Savings Account | MD Credit Union Savings in Baltimore Bank: Maryland is a state that is full of small town neighborhoods. Many people who live in these neighborhoods have Baltimore Savings Accounts to help them with their money needs. The Maryland Depository Commission provides deposit services to banks and thrift institutions. The Maryland Deed is prepared by the State […]

Negotiate with the government

I have had the opportunity to negotiate with various government agencies for clients, and there is a difference between private industry and administrative agencies and how you should approach them. Researching Donner & Crowe’s “Lawyers Practical Guide to Negotiations, Second Edition” also provides many general considerations when negotiating with the government. In this column, I’ll share some thoughts and considerations […]

Are there other names for yeast infection?

There are other names for yeast infection. Some of these are “Candidiasis”, Candida Albicans, Candidiasis, Candida Yeast Overgrowth, and even Candida Tropicalis. Whatever name you know it by, you should know that such infection is the most common of all. In fact, 80% of adult women have suffered or will suffer from vaginal candidiasis, and a high number of adults […]

Fl-Opportunity: when opportunity, costs

The other day I was watching a show where famous people painted their portraits while giving an interview. This week it was the Australian comedian, musician and director; Tim Minchin. It was big in the UK. It is big in Australia. I don’t know how well known it is in the US, but it was also one step away from […]

Tax donations to real estate owners

Is the real estate sector still a good investment? As a landlord dealing with sometimes noisy tenants or unexpected repairs, you may be wondering whether or not it is still worth it. Despite these headaches and continued pessimism about real estate prices, owning investment real estate continues to provide a number of benefits. Buying a property offers a number of […]

The history of Pokémon: a look at Pokémon through the years

Pronounced pokemon poh-kay-mon It is the second largest Nintendo video game franchise in the world, replaced only by Nintendo’s own Super Mario. The franchise, which is now around 16 years old, will launch its sixth generation in the series later this year. The game, created by Japanese founder Satoshi Tajiri in 1996, was inspired by the popular pastime of collecting […]

Change agent factors

An agent of change, or agent of change, is someone who intentionally or indirectly causes or accelerates social, cultural or behavioral change. Due to their importance, agents of change are the subject of scientific research. Captology, developed at Stanford’s Persuasive Technology Laboratory, for example, systematically studies how interactive computing products can be used to influence the mind. Many driving forces […]

Eminem Mockingbird Review: Is Slim Shady a Mockingbird?

Another deeply personal rap written by Eminem’s Mockingbird is without a doubt one of his more “grown-up” releases. After the antics of the Slim Shady LP and the anger-filled tracks of the Marshall Mathers LP, Mockingbird is the sign of a rapper finally turning into a man. The track begins with Em addressing his daughter Hailey and his cousin Lainie, […]