How is Change in Latitude Measured?

Change in Latitude Measured Change in latitude can be measured by several methods. One way is to measure the angle between a point and the equator (depending on the type of latitude measured), and another method uses the position of a star in the sky to determine the celestial pole of a place. At the equator, the amount of solar […]

Can I roll a refrigerator on porcelain tile?

Porcelain and ceramic tile floors are very popular because they are durable and relatively easy to maintain. However, it is still possible to chip or crack the tile or damage the glaze. Moving heavy objects like refrigerators across the tiles is one way to cause serious damage. Sometimes your fridge needs to be moved, so make sure you do it […]

The Corporate Social Welfare Program

With the current economic challenges and strained financial access that have plagued private organizations due to market uncertainty, unstable exchange rate policy, changing government financial policies, higher taxes, unstable exchange rate, corruption, etc., it has become difficult for companies and organizations to distribute money for a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project in a community that does not return anything in […]

The use of weights in physiotherapy

Injury risks are prevalent in any workplace, especially to the upper body. To help prevent injuries from occurring or to add to the rehabilitation of an injury, dumbbells are predominantly used. Dumbbells can target specific muscles in the ligaments of the arms, chest, shoulders, back, abdomen, and legs. Physical therapists have been using the dumbbell in rehabilitation for many years […]

Indian Music: A Complete Guide

If you asked me to define Indian music in one word, I would describe it as timeless. Indeed, the music of this vast and hugely diverse country has stood the test of time. The fact that Indian music is admired throughout the world says a lot about its richness. No other music on the planet can claim to be truly […]