The best bodyweight exercises to do anywhere

Bodyweight exercises can be considered as one of the best options for those who are very into fitness, but don’t want to go to or don’t have access to a gym. These exercises are considered as the simplest, most convenient and most effective strength training to do anytime, anywhere and also without any equipment. If you’re looking for simple bodyweight […]

Easy tricks on how to make an 18-month-old baby sleep

The sight of a sleeping toddler is heavenly. After a day filled with lots of laughter, hugs, kisses, and snacks, a tired toddler should go to bed and sleep. This is not the case sometimes. Parents who have thanked their lucky stars that the era of sleepless nights is finally over may be in for a surprise. When a baby […]

Cardio Vs Interval Training

One of the first lessons I learned during my fat loss journey is that I hated doing cardio. When I say cardio, I’m thinking of spending a long 40 minutes (or more) on the treadmill while moving at a steady pace. While there are other forms of cardiovascular or aerobic activity to choose from such as yoga, step classes, tae […]

The relocation process

When it comes to relocation, there are many things that need to be resolved. Let’s take a look at office relocation and family relocation to see what the different processes would be. office relocation This can be a pretty chaotic time for a business. It’s one thing to move a single family, and quite another to move many people and […]

Visiting the Grand Cayman Botanical Gardens

Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park (you’ll see it called the Botanic Park and Botanic Garden in different places, so I use the terms interchangeably as well) is a quiet oasis in the center of the island, about a 30-minute drive east of George Town. just off of Frank Sound Road. The National Trust for the Cayman Islands manage the gardens […]

Atopic dermatitis and flaxseed oil

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease that attacks the skin. It is more commonly known as eczema or atopic eczema. “Dermatitis” literally means an inflammation of the skin. Atopic dermatitis is usually found in patients who have an “atopic tendency.” These just mean that they are at high risk of acquiring atopic diseases such as atopic dermatitis, hay fever, and […]

Top 20 Reasons Why Kids Should Study Music

All you need to do is visit the children’s audio/video section of your local CD store and you will be bombarded with a multitude of educational enhancement products to purchase. You can find ‘Baby Einstein’ or ‘Brainy Baby’ and a host of similar products to make your child smarter. These types of products can be a wonderful way to introduce […]