American University – A Historic Institute of Education

A renowned education institute, the American University in Washington DC, offers a position, a state-of-the-art learning center that operates in numerous fields. Inspired by a historical letter from George Washington himself in which he described his desire for a National University, the American University was finally created in 1893. American University consists of two campuses that are not joined. The […]

5 Photo Sharing Sites That Are Free Alternatives to Flickr

Flickr is an excellent photo-sharing site and, without a doubt, one of the largest photo-sharing communities on the web. However, free Flickr accounts are severely restricted, limiting its usefulness as a photo-sharing service for amateur and amateur photographers. Only the last 200 photos will be displayed, for example, and you only get 100MB of bandwidth per month for uploading. Therefore, […]

BOOK REVIEW: Raising Girls by Dr. James Dobson

Here is a checklist of who this book is for: -You are a dedicated viewer of Fox News -Attend a Christian church weekly, read the bible and pray daily (NO OTHER RELIGION IS ACCEPTABLE) -You blindly vote Republican every election cycle -You consider Bill O’Reilly or Bill Cosby as moral barometers to admire -You think America in 1950 was the […]

New York Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Medical Malpractice Lawsuits You can seek compensation for medical mistakes when hospitals or doctors fail to treat you properly. Some mistakes may even be life-threatening. Some may even be preventable, such as incorrect diagnosis, omission of medication, or poor communication. In some cases, medical malpractice may even lead to an injury during childbirth or delivery, leading to lifelong disabilities or […]

Books on business, law and finance

There are many different categories when it comes to the fields of business, law, and finance. These would include accounting, careers, economics, management, personal finance, professional finance, sales and marketing, and even small business and entrepreneurship. Each of these subcategories has its own rules and obstacles that you must face and overcome. But, you may be wondering: o What kinds […]

Special education reform?

I remember over 20 years ago when I was getting my graduate degree in Special Education and a friend of mine who was getting his degree in elementary education told me that his father, a school principal, said that he probably shouldn’t waste his time getting a master’s degree. . in Special Education. He said that special education would eventually […]

Traffic lawyers and other criminal defense attorneys can help you if you have legal problems

If you are in trouble with the law, then you need someone who knows the law. In general, criminal law firms help those accused of crimes or misdemeanors. However, there are specialized lawyers who handle particular legal problems. Traffic attorneys, for example, offer advice and representation to clients facing motoring and transportation issues. If you are the subject of a […]