Understand the types of small business expenses and prepare for tax time

There are several types of expenses relevant to small businesses, and it’s important for any business owner to fully understand the distinctions between them. Almost all types of expenses reduce your overall profit, but if your business is taxed as an S-Corp or C-Corp, some may also be deductible from business income taxes. If you’re self-employed (or own an LLC […]

The magic of your cover letter

What magic is involved in preparing a cover letter? The cover letter, sometimes known as a job application letter, literally covers, or comes first, over your submitted or mailed resume. Usually read first, it is intended to encourage a potential employer to read your included resume. In addition, it is a personal narrative written communication that could decisively influence an […]

Private investigator

Historically, private investigators and the private investigation industry have been shrouded in mystery. The nature of his practice is to discreetly and covertly acquire information using various investigative methods and technology for the benefit of the client he retains. Some of the technological equipment used is common; however, the methods are industry specific. The private investigation industry has been glamorized […]

What is the role of an accident lawyer?

If you were wrongly injured in an accident, you can expect to file a claim for compensation coverage, either with your own insurance company or with the insurance company of the negligent party. You may even need to file a third-party claim if more than one person was involved in or responsible for your accident and subsequent injuries. Also, you […]

How to find a lawyer in my county online

Simply typing the phrase “find a lawyer in my county” into your favorite search engine will not give you the desired results for the most part. “Find a lawyer in my county” is a very broad term because there are millions of counties around the world. The search engine will not know exactly where you need a lawyer. It would […]

More families would choose different schools if they could

There is growing evidence that more families would opt for different schools if they could. This is clear from survey and focus group data, from alternative and charter school waiting lists, among many examples. What prevents them from setting sail for a new educational island is, above all, the political blockade that still closes the ports to all but a […]

Home improvement grants for all in need

Whether your roof is collapsing or you just want to plaster your roof, if you’re a tax-paying US citizen, there’s probably a home improvement grant that can pay for it for you. Imagine making those expensive repairs, or even doing a major remodeling project without spending a single penny. It can be done, and the government can help. Many Americans […]

Physics of cricket bowling

When a bowler runs towards the bowling pin, he transfers his momentum by running towards the ball. Let’s apply the law of conservation of momentum and Newton’s laws of motion to the moving ball before and after the pitcher throws it. Mechanical Run Length: By the Law of Conservation of Momentum, we write the equation that describes the relationship between […]

Medical terminology: first step in a new professional career

In these days of economic uncertainty, career change is a hot topic. As baby boomers retire and leave the workforce, employers are concerned about a shortage of skilled workers. In addition, corporate cost cutting, offshoring, layoffs, and forced career changes leave many workers with difficult choices. Gone are the days of one job and one employer for life. Following a […]