Benefits of a healthy diet

Benefits of a healthy diet As said, a healthy diet constitutes a healthy body. Before establishing plans for a healthy diet, it is necessary to understand what a healthy diet is, a balanced diet that meets the requirements of the body for its proper functioning; including all macronutrients and micronutrients. It does not always include losing fat content or specifically […]

Home exercise DVDs are valuable exercise tools

Since the days of Jane Fonda and her crew of leotard-wearing jocks and leg warmers on VHS (that’s Video Home System for those of you under 25), jocks have loved the convenience of working out at home. . VHS has long since gone the way of the dinosaur, but the fandom for home fitness is still alive and well. Home […]

Why do we sweat? Exploring the science of sweating

It is midsummer and the thermometer is through the roof. Temperatures are expected to be in the 90+ degrees this month, with humidex, or discomfort levels of at least 105. It’s humid and sticky: men will sweat, women will ‘glow’ and no matter what you call it, most of us we will perspire in this sweltering climate. Why do we […]

NexiFirm Review – How effective is this product?

Many women spend years and countless dollars investing in creams and products that will help prevent the aging of their face. Unfortunately, most women forget to take care of their neck and chest until it’s too late. A woman’s neck and chest are covered by thin, delicate skin similar to that of her face. Because this skin is very fragile […]

How do I dispose of my saddlebags?

The simple solution to losing your “saddlebags” might be in the opposite direction to what you’ve been looking for. She discovers the secret to melting those thighs forever without having to live in the gym. What are “saddlebags” you may be wondering and why are they so difficult to get rid of? Genetically we all have predetermined fat storage areas. […]

Running, burning fat and breaking myths

This article first appeared in IMPACT magazine. Some race for the sheer joy of it, while others see it as a proven method of not looking like the Michelin Man. He confesses that I am always looking for the definition of abs, which is not easy for a beer lover in his forties. While keeping an eye on what I […]