Female sexuality is not a Pandora’s box

A girl called me a whore once in high school after I kissed a boy she also liked at a school assembly. She wasn’t happy about it, so she called me by the only name she thought would be the most poignant. Bitch. It might have been an insult a generation earlier, but it was 1993 and being a whore […]

Party yacht charters are great for corporate team building

Want to turn your team into an unstoppable powerhouse of energy, completely unified in the common cause of success? A team that is ‘in it to win’ for all the right reasons. A team that supports each other and gives your brand the strength it needs? Would you like your team to dominate your market and industry area? Well, why […]

The ADD Guide to Making Money Online – Click Enriched by Marc Ostrofsky Book Review

Stuffed like Grandma’s Thanksgiving turkey Make money online. Hmm, that doesn’t sound great! Easy money, right? Well, maybe it could be according to internet millionaire pioneer Marc Ostrofsky. In his book, Click enriched, Ostrofsky provides multiple money making ideas and examples of people who used them to make money online, a lot of money. In addition to several pages of […]

Can yogurt fight gastrointestinal ulcers?

Recently, in a report presented at the 237th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, it was revealed that there is a new yogurt that appears to have the ability to fight the bacteria responsible for gastritis and stomach ulcers. In the report, which was based on the results of human clinical studies, Japanese researchers stated that ingesting yogurt is […]

Computer game genres

People who play computer games learn the type (genre) that interests them. Then, they select options that fit the genre before buying. However, a person who wishes to gift a computer game to a family member or friend may want to observe the recipient’s game to minimize the risk of giving the wrong kind. Computer game genres include: combat, adventure, […]

Classic Disney Princess Halloween Costumes

Let’s face it, no one sparks more imagination and fantasy play among children than the ever-popular and enduring Walt Disney. Disney has been around for several decades and each year the characters that are created teach valuable lessons and inspire a great deal of imagination in our children. The imagination factor is quite evident in the Disney princess characters, who […]

Bearded Collies as Show Dogs, Shepherds, and Pets! Is this the breed of your best dog?

Bearded collies They are better known as Beardies and they are the lovable dogs that appear in movies, television shows and commercials because they are beautiful, agile, intelligent and courageous. For the newbie who is beginning the search for their perfect companion or family dog, let me introduce you to this trainable breed. These dogs make excellent pets and friends, […]

Halo cheats

I have discovered many of these Halo cheats from experience and from other players online. Last time I checked, they worked. These aren’t exactly cheats in the Halo 2 sense, but more cheats / weapon glitches. I will explain how to perform each trap and its effect. Each cheat has an associated button combo; the combo should be pressed as […]