How to turn your blog into “the” blog

How to turn your blog into “the” blog Although blogging is still considered a less professional subgenre of the news industry, the truth is that blogging has almost replaced the mainstream media channels in terms of reach. Even so-called respected publishers have turned to blogging as a constant source of alternative income. But what makes one blog more successful than […]

Add value to your LinkedIn profile

Like many of us, I gradually allowed myself to ignore LinkedIn and underestimate that free and beneficial resource. After an absence of almost two years, I was happy to log in and discover new profile enhancements that showcase ambitious professionals and highlight our expertise in ways that make us appear very capable to potential clients and employers. If you are […]

How to migrate from WordPress to Tumblr

If, for whatever reason, you want to move your WordPress blogs to Tumblr, there are a number of ways to request it. There are even procedures that allow you to migrate everything, including your photos / images and comments. Although there is not a process as easy as 1-2-3, there are steps that are quite simple to follow; steps you […]

Should you take a relationship quiz?

Everyone has seen one at some point or another. You will find them in magazines, books, and online. They claim to offer you a special insight into their relationship. What we are talking about, of course, is the relationship questionnaire. They are very popular, but are they useful? There are many reasons why such a questionnaire could be helpful, but […]

Why signing up for YouTube is the way to go

YouTube has long been the leading video-sharing website on the planet. Different users around the world can watch different videos on a wide range of topics. Watching a movie, learning about a certain topic, seeing someone’s point of view when performing a specific task, and many other things can be done just by looking at videos posted on YouTube. Anonymity […]

Branding Vs Advertising Vs Promotions Vs Marketing Vs Public Relations

Many people are confused about the differences between branding, advertising, promotions, and public relations. Regardless, the actual “marketing” process is misinterpreted anyway. To give you a basic understanding, marketing is not a one-time event or activity, it is a process, a combination of things that come together. By definition, marketing is the act of mixing product, price, place, and promotion. […]

Tips for image optimization

Image optimization is all about image SEO or getting your images to rank on Google and other search engines, it is also about reducing your images to the smallest size possible without reducing their quality to allow your web pages to be charge quickly. This is important because everyone on the web expects websites to load quickly, in less than […]

A Guide to Hiring a Graphic Designer

Hiring a graphic designer can help you grow your business. Your great product or extraordinary service still needs proper branding and advertising. Therefore, choosing a designer is one of the crucial steps in creating the image of your company. The use of professional graphic design services is necessary, especially for start-ups. The first impression plays a huge role when it […]

Trademark protection in cyberspace

Facebook has more than 350 million users, Twitter has 32.1 million, and MySpace attracts more than 115 million to its site each month. The number of people using social media makes trademark infringement and brand confusion as easy as creating a username and password. In Dallas alone, where we are located, more than 700,000 businesses in the area have a […]