Discover the history of the Acura CL

The first Acura CL model was launched in the year 1997 and its production continued until the year 1999. Then the service was discontinued and again in the year 2001 it was enabled until 2003. At first glance, it can be thought that this CL took the place . from the other Acura model legend coupe. Even if this car […]

Oriental Esotericism – Shambala – Ganesha – Skanda

Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma is a faith in God that upholds the basic human principles of brotherhood, kindness and good life. This religion believes in eternal reincarnation from which you can free yourself for several practices and reach a superior state of Being called moksha – release. Christians have saving, Hindus moksha, buddhists nirvana. Hindus believe that God is ONE, […]

Green driving in today’s environment

With skyrocketing gas prices being what they are, the dangers of global warming, and public concern about foreign oil, more automakers are offering electric, hybrid, and alternative-fuel vehicles. While buying a green vehicle is a great start to reducing the environmental impacts of driving. Of course, the vehicle you drive is the most important factor, but your driving habits and […]

Master seductive language patterns to generate irresistible attraction

Most guys are concerned with having the right things to say to a girl when they’re talking to her. They are concerned with impressing her with the content, that is, with the things they are saying. Some guys even routinely lie about themselves, hoping this will impress the girl. They’ll make up her bank accounts, her jobs, the types of […]

1917 Woods Dual Power: the first hybrid car

The first gasoline hybrid electric car came out not in 1983, but in 1917. The Woods Dual Power was built by the Woods Motor Vehicle Company of Chicago. Because the gas engine was so crude but provided more power and electric cars were smoother but had limited range, Woods Motor Vehicle Company wanted to supply a car that would give […]

Mercedes-Benz, a touch of class

90 years ago, Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler founded the “Mercedes-Benz” brand in Stuttgart, Germany. After World War I, the economy was so affected that the idea of ​​merging and building a partnership was seen as overcoming climatic obstacles. DMG and Benz & Cie., the world’s two largest car manufacturers at the time, successfully merged in May 1924 and in […]

On what was known as Michael Jackson’s fashion

Michael Jackson was a pop icon. He reached the zenith of pop culture with a glove on his hand and without him even realizing it, he was able to influence an entire generation, not only in the United States, but also in the rest of the world. He featured simple pieces like military insignia and fedora prints that, for a […]

Great benefits of getting a chauffeured car service

When you travel to a new city or country, you have many transportation options. You can rent your own car and drive yourself, ask a friend to drive you, hire a taxi or car with a driver. Renting a car with a driver is always the best option as it has many benefits including: You don’t have to worry about […]

Caster, Camber, Tow-In – Wheel Alignment

What is Caster – Camber – Tow-in – Wheel Alignment First, for those of you who don’t understand caster, camber, and tow-in, let me explain. Caster is how the wheel is in relation to a vertical kingpin or ball joints. It can be vertical true or -o-degree, positive or negative. Example: the front wheel of a bicycle has positive caster. […]