Vitamin B12 is essential for good health in many different ways. It helps the nervous system function properly and also helps with the production of blood cells. This comes in many forms, but the most common sources are meats, dairy products, and eggs. Although B12 deficiency can happen to anyone, vegans are often at risk because they don’t eat any of the things listed. There are many different things that go on with a deficiency, and there appears to be a link between Candida and vitamin B12.

There are some conditions that can be attributed to a deficiency of B12. Some are common sense and others are surprising.

Alcoholics are at risk as are those with Crohn’s disease. There is an intrinsic factor that helps the body absorb B12 in the stomach and intestines, and if someone has had surgery in either area, that factor may have been affected or is missing.

When that happens, the B12 can’t be absorbed as it should. Someone with this problem will have no appetite, episodes of loose stools, and may feel very weak. They may also notice shortness of breath, problems with tingling or numbness in the extremities, and may even experience some brain fog.

Anemia caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12 must be treated. This can be achieved in different ways, but it is urgent that it happen quickly. This is something that is quite easy to treat and that is the good news for anyone with this condition. A balanced diet will usually take care of the deficiency, although this can be difficult for the vegan. Many times dietary changes and a B12 supplement will do the trick, and in some cases injections may be needed instead of a pill. Some people will require these injections for life.

So you may be wondering if Candida can be affected by a vitamin b12 deficiency. This is a yeast that grows in the body, especially in the vaginal area and in the intestines. In most cases, the body’s immune system keeps it in check. However, when there is a lack of vitamin B12, immune function is impaired and Candida can grow out of control. When this happens, a person may notice headaches, brain fog, tiredness, sinus problems, mood swings, loss of concentration, and even a craving for sweet foods.

To treat Candida, it will first be necessary to remedy the vitamin B12 deficiency. When the proper balance of B12 is restored, Candida can be kept under control after a course of treatment and has returned to its normal state in the body. Now that you know that Candida and vitamin B12 are related, the knowledge should encourage you to eat a more balanced diet to avoid additional complications associated with a vitamin B12 deficiency.

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