As we age, our skin loses its youthful glow because the blood supply to our face decreases and this causes our skin to lose its color, making it look dull. The texture of the skin becomes less smooth, the delicate skin under the eyes becomes thinner and we often end up with fine lines and wrinkles. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, also called a vampire facelift, is a treatment that uses the natural ingredients in blood to rejuvenate tired and aging skin.

The non-surgical vampire facelift treatment is ideal for:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area.

  • Minimize the lines around the mouth.

  • Smooth out wrinkles on the nose.

  • Signs of aging on the hands.

  • Smooth wrinkles and fine lines on the forehead.

  • Address minor smile lines

  • Dull skin due to decreased blood flow

  • Smooth and uneven texture

  • Tighten sagging or flabby skin

  • Reduce acne scars

During treatment, a small amount of blood is drawn and then treated in a centrifuge to collect platelet-rich plasma. It is then injected back into the required treatment area to stimulate fresh elastin and collagen production. This will plump up the skin, plump up fine lines and wrinkles, and give a more radiant appearance, encouraging the body to repair aging skin from the inside out.

The injected platelet rich plasma stimulates the formation of new collagen, which will rejuvenate your skin, making it look fresher and more vibrant. The treatment uses very fine needles to inject small amounts of PRP into the skin, and these injections are fairly painless as a topical anesthetic is applied beforehand, minimizing discomfort. Results can last up to 18 months and it is recommended that you have a touch-up treatment at this time. This is a safe treatment since you are using your own blood, making it completely non-toxic and hypoallergenic.

A vampire facelift is an excellent skin rejuvenation procedure option. Because the blood is the patient’s own, no foreign material is injected and this reduces the risk of allergies and infections. This procedure has a quick healing time and you will only experience minimal bruising and slight swelling.

This treatment can promote skin rejuvenation in the facial area, especially around the eyes, which will reduce lines and wrinkles. It is ideal for the hands, which often show signs of aging earlier than other areas of the body, and on the neck and chest. The procedure simply helps to rejuvenate the skin, restoring volume and collagen formation.

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