Five practical tips for success in life …

Have you ever noticed that some people without any education end up in the same profession as those who had received extensive training? And … listen to this … some of those “college dropouts” became millionaires, and spread light years beyond their educated peers!

You might think it’s some kind of accident … you might think it’s because, well, maybe they’re a lot smarter than their peers.

But the truth may surprise you …

In reality, all the successful people you’ve ever heard of, Steve Jobs, Bill Yates, Bob Proctor, Oprah Winfrey, dropped out of college; and they all had one thing in common, the knowledge of “street smarts” to be successful in everyday life.

You might think that successful people had the advantage of a proper family life, surrounded by love, acceptance, and encouragement.

However, in many cases the opposite occurs.

For example, what do you think are the chances of success for a 10-year-old black girl growing up in the suburbs? Living in a single parent home, this girl was abused both physically and sexually until she was 13 years old, where she was found pregnant by one of the men who raped her.

And, after losing the baby, she found herself in a correctional facility for misconduct, where she had to spend many of her teenage years.

Would you be surprised if I refer to Oprah Winfrey? Yes, it’s true … Oprah didn’t get off to an easy start …

… And neither did Wayne Dyer, the current “father” of personal development psychology. After being raised in a home during the depression with a father who was left without a family, Wayne was put up for adoption by his mother. She loved him, but couldn’t afford to support a family during the depression.

But, like Oprah, Wayne had something many of us live to have: those “smart street” advice from everyday life psychology.

So by now you’re asking yourself, “Tell me now! What are these ‘smart’ tips for being successful in life?”

Well, to start with, you need to know what you want. And I don’t just mean having something in mind … I mean knowing that it’s part of your identity, something you can’t stop thinking about … something that is FUN for you!

Say, for example, you HATE your job. So how many hours a week do you REALLY WANT to work? The least amount possible, right?

But, let’s flip the coin for a second … let’s say you’re doing something you REALLY LOVE to do. How many hours a week would you work then? For many, time seems to stop as they work continuously for hours … or when the successful person thinks about it, “playing” for several hours after 40 hours a week.

“Doing what your love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life” … Wayne Dyer

So that’s # 1 for tips for a successful life – know what you want and go after it.

And tip # 2 from “Street Smart”: practice the “7-Day Mental Diet” …

The idea here is to practice the next seven days so you don’t have a single negative thought. Don’t worry, that’s really impossible! But what you CAN do is this: try to stop whenever you are thinking about something negative … when someone interrupts you in traffic or the boss is sarcastic with you. Make yourself think (or even say out loud) “Stop” or “Cancel.” Tell yourself that you really didn’t mean it and try to think of something positive instead.

Why would this make a difference? Negative thoughts breed worry, and worry, believe it or not, is even below hatred on the emotional scale of vibrations. By law of attraction, worrying about anything (or having negative thoughts about something) leads to more bad things.

So if you know someone who continually complains about their life, keep in mind that it’s the complaints that cause the bad life, and try to steer that conversation into a positive trend as best you can.

“Tips for Success in Life” Number 3: Find something to appreciate in someone else …

Every day, and make it a habit to congratulate strangers whenever you can.

This is more than a nice thing to do. Have you ever realized how good you feel when you compliment someone and see their face light up? By the law of attraction, those GOOD feelings you have will summon good things your way!

And furthermore, when you practice having good thoughts and having faith in others, they tend to have faith in you subconsciously, and this gives you more self-confidence and energy to achieve your true goal in life. It gives you “inspired action” … which is the real secret to knowing what you want and getting it.

Number 4: Ask yourself a quality question.

This is what Tony Robbins preaches, and it seems VERY TRUE to me. In fact, we are all continually “talking” to ourselves in our minds … asking questions.

“Why does it always happen to me?” – That question, for example, is a recipe for disaster! Because the Universe will respond: “Because you are a SCHMUCK!” Subconsciously you will find the answer to the questions you are asking yourself.

So the answer to this is easy; just ask yourself a better question; that is, “How can I use this situation to learn and improve in what I do?”

“Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions and get better answers as a result” … Tony Robbins

And last but not least, for your “street smart” tips for success in life, number 5: use the ‘F’ word (faith) …

Faith that what we are doing is supporting a higher purpose, a purchase bigger than ourselves … that’s the common denominator of success.

Wayne Dyer believed in himself so vehemently that he actually bought thousands of his books and kept them in his garage, all to make it look like he was popular! And where is he now? A millionaire, of course, recognized worldwide as the Father of Psychology!

But what Wayne and many other people always do is live to do and be better. Make a commitment to learn something today to become a better person than you were yesterday. When you believe in yourself, others will believe in you too. And it all starts with faith.

Once you combine the power of faith with the first 4 essential street smart tips, you are well on your way to a successful and meaningful lifestyle.

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