Pragmatology is a postmodern philosophy. It is derived from the words: pragmatism, utopianism and wisdom.

I would like to explain how these words: pragmatism, utopianism and sapiencia (wisdom) alter the course of philosophy as pragmatopience.

Pragmatism refers to the philosophy of putting theory into an application or process. How can new content be created by examining its philosophical etymology? One way to do this is through a Materialistic-Humanism process. In today’s world where cultures and economies are globalizing, there is a greater variety of cooperation and participation. Cooperation must involve the transfer of technologies and the participation of cultures. Cultures become a practice of intermingling and sharing and thus reaching a consensus of global catharsis. Technology must have a human face. Yes, social media sites like Face Book, Twitter, and Instagram help to network people all over the world. So is Amazon, reaching parallel economies and markets and helping artisans and small merchants sell their work. News on social media goes viral and markets merge with the adoption of technologies. Webinars and infotainment are very popular. Materialism is having financial gain and humanism is having a human face.

The next ingredient in Pragmatopience is that the utopian becomes the Pragmatopian. It is an ideal that is perfected to reality. This can happen through a process of democratic-dialogic solidarity. Dialogism is the philosophy of dialogue nurtured by Michael Bakhtin. Today there is a change of balance of a nation to that of internationalism. Dialogue and negotiation are conducted to solve recurring economic and political problems that occur in geopolitics. Workers, Unions, Minorities and Pressure Groups protest with the majority and dispute their presence using the dialogic tool as a narrative of struggle.

The next element of Pragmatopience is Sapience and Sapience means religious wisdom. Put into practice, it refers to the practice of finding solutions to problems. Sapience wonders whether technologies should be patented or used for the benefit of humanity. Some websites like Face Book, Twitter and Instagram offer a free service and go a long way towards supporting global democracy. Sapience deals with the rhetoric of persuasion. Wisdom implies the Hegelian dictum: first a thesis, then an antithesis, and finally a synthesis. First comes the protest or the struggle, then comes the persuasion and finally the conclusion. Let’s look at the Palestinian problem from Sapience. They have reached a stage of thesis and antithesis of Hegel. They have yet to reach a synthesis. Sapience analyzes the structures that create binary oppositions.

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