Do you love your pet? Most people who have pets are naturally animal lovers. It’s really kind of hard not to feel love towards those furry friends for the unconditional love and affection they give us. They are truly loyal peerless companions who stay with us throughout our lives. Since we are animal lovers, it is natural that we want to take care of them as well as possible.

This would include reviewing dog food tests to see what is the best type of food to feed them. With so many different types of dog food to choose from, many of them telling you they are the ones that will make your dog the happiest or the healthiest, the ones that will make your dog the glossiest of coats, it’s hard to separate wheat from the straw

What most people don’t know about dog food is that, commercially, there really are no dog foods that are really good for your dog. The reason is that the regulations that govern what can be printed on a dog food package are much more lenient than those that tell us what can be printed on food intended for human consumption. Even if the pet food says it contains no chemicals or no chemicals were added, that simply means no chemicals were added to the product after it entered the factory for processing. Before I got there, they can basically do whatever they want.

Commercial dog food is full of things that can harm your pet over time. The raw product is not only full of chemicals and byproducts, it actually contains the remains of euthanized pets in shelters, roadkill, and sick animals in most cases. The only way to avoid this kind of thing is to make your own dog food or make sure the dog food you are buying is actually good for your dog.

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