What Makes a B2B Marketplace Successful?

B2B Marketplace Successful A B2B marketplace is an eCommerce digital platform that allows businesses to purchase goods and services from one another at competitive prices, more conveniently and in much larger quantities than they would be able to achieve using traditional shopping methods. These platforms can serve different sectors and industries, and operate at a global or local level. However, […]

Powerful titles for your website for SEO

Possibly one of the easiest SEO fixes, but one of the most commonly overlooked, the title tag is a determining factor in how search engines view your page. The title tag is like the name of a book printed on its cover: no author would have an untitled cover because the book will never be found, yet there are millions […]

Types of Communication Used in Public Relations Careers

Public relations careers use integrated communications to personalize the public image of a company, product, or person. Within public relations jobs, many different tools can be used to create an effective marketing plan that can be adjusted accordingly. Relations with the Media imply making products and/or a company known to the different spaces of the press such as newspapers, magazines, […]

3 Advantages of Working with a Local Internet Marketing Agency

There are many challenges that local businesses face, from competing with other businesses to dealing with fluctuations in the local economy. Successful local businesses always look ahead and plan ahead to meet these challenges. Another challenge business owners face is selecting the company to invest their local Internet marketing dollars. With so many options available, from small local internet marketing […]

Script analysis – Where the wild things live – Archetypes and emotional-symbolic structure of the script

Script Analysis: WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t seen “Where the Wild Monsters Are” yet, you might want to check it out before reading this article. Let’s put aside the question right now of whether or not Where the Wild Things Are is a good movie. Let’s put aside the question of whether or not you […]

Pave your way to success

The acronym PAVE stands for: Passion, Action, Vision and Excellence! First find your Passion because without passion staying the course is much more difficult. Take bold, purpose-driven action. Define your Vision clearly so you know why you want to achieve your goal. Finally, strive for excellence in everything you do. Once you pave the way to achieve a goal, say […]

Are entrepreneurs born or made?

First, let’s establish exactly what an entrepreneur is. The Wikipedia online encyclopedia defines it as “someone who establishes a new entity, to offer a new or existing product or service in a new or existing market. Entrepreneurs often have strong beliefs about a market opportunity and are willing to accept a high level of personal commitment. , professional or financial […]

“Success” and Education

“The man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow has no education the next day.” -Newston D. Baker The prospect of success is what drives many people to continue their education. Whether this success means expanding your persona, opening your mind to possibilities, sharpening your skill set, creating marketability, or a raise in salary, most consider higher education to be […]